Good News #185: Today, I Ask for Jesus’ Wisdom to Overflow in My Life; God Delights to Give His Wisdom to Those Who Ask!

A lot of the breakdown in various areas of our lives are caused by a lack of wisdom… not earthly wisdom… but divine wisdom.

The book of James chapter 3 speaks of a wisdom that does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic; where confusion and every evil thing are. [see James 3:14-16] — This is not the kind of wisdom we need… but that which comes from above.

It is not hard to discern that we live in a fallen and corrupted world… everything in this world degenerates… even the wisdom this world offers is corrupted and limited… it can only do so much.

We need wisdom that understands all… the wisdom that can only come from One who sees all, knows all, hears all… the wisdom that only God can give.

Only the wisdom of God is that which causes mere human beings to rise above the fallen and corrupted state of this world.

And the gospel is this — Because God wants His children to prosper and thrive while they are on earth, He delights in their asking from Him His wisdom to govern their lives… and He takes absolute pleasure in giving His children His wisdom.

Whatta God we have!!!


If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

James 1:5