Good News #176: Jesus Has Made Himself Available for Me to Understand the Mysteries of This World; Great is His Wisdom!

We, human beings, have a bent for looking up to others we consider the very best in their field… the crème de la crème…
For example, if we love sports, we look up to the MVPs and champions… if we are into politics, we look up to the game changers in community… etc…

There are numerous organizations built on recognizing people excelling in their fields…

YET none of the great men and women of the entire human history or even all of them combined can surpass the greatness of our God…
None of them can give us wisdom to understand the vast mysteries of our world and this life…

Only God…

God knows everything.
God has seen it all.
God has heard it all.
God knows all…

What we, human beings, consider mysteries are not mysteries to Him.
Nothing catches Him by surprise.
Nothing baffles Him.
Everything that we know nothing about, He knows them.

And what’s really fascinating and amazing about our God is that He lends His wisdom to us…
He doesn’t hide His wisdom from us when we need it… so that even what seems to be mysterious is made plain to us.

A lot about our world and the future of our world will continue to be a mystery to the human mind…

But the gospel is this — Our God reveals mysteries to us so that we are not caught unaware of things about to unfold… giving us time to change our ways — seeking Him, relying on Him and trusting Him to do good for us what we cannot do on our own.

God reveals mysteries to us, not to make us more confused… but to prepare us, equip us and help us through what’s ahead… because that is the kind of God He is…
Whatta God we have!!!

But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days. Your dream, and the visions of your head upon your bed, were these.

Daniel 2:28