Good News #174: Because of Jesus’ Faithfulness and Mercies, I Am Forgiven, Protected and Well-Provided!

None of us will fully be able to account for all the instances that the Lord has protected, delivered, shielded and kept us safe from harm.

We only know of the ones where we experienced the struggle and He delivered us…but we don’t know the rest of the ones that He stopped before it happened.

Modern science tells us that there are millions, even billions of viruses and bacteria swirling in the very air that we breathe. Some areas may have larger concentrations than others but the fact remains that these organisms, not visible to the naked eye, are there.

Add to that are the different waves and frequencies in the air that intersect with each other.

And if that’s not all — the truth is there is an enemy with a main agenda of stealing, killing and destroying, Jesus says so in John 10:10.

It’s a wonder how each of us survive day by day.
If it were up to our own capability to keep ourselves, none of us would survive for as long as we have.
Thank God it is not up to us to do so, The Lord keeps watch over us.

Everyday is a miracle in itself.

The gospel is this — How we are able to go on with life despite everything that happens around us, visible or not visible to the eyes… is only made possible because of the sure mercies, compassions and faithfulness of our God who does not owe us anything to do so… yet He does because that is just who He is.

Whatta wonderful God we have!
Will you thank Him today for what He has delivered you from, whether you are aware of it or not?

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23