Good News #168: In Jesus, My Spirit is Enriched and Abounding in All Heavenly Richness!

Today, there are people who believe that material poverty is equal to spirituality. It is not.

Don’t misunderstand. We are not advocating avarice or materialism but it would be remiss of us not to point out that poverty is the work of the devil.

In John 10:10, Jesus tells us succinctly what the devil does:
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.”

The enemy whom Jesus refers to as the thief… first, steals then kills and destroys…
For example, he steals material wealth from you… he steals your health… he steals joy and peace from you… he steals peace from your relationships… he steals success from you… once he succeeds in doing this, he proceeds to kill and destroy…

Material poverty is just one of the many results of the devil’s work against humanity…

And material poverty is not what Jesus is referring to in Matthew 5. Jesus clearly says the poor IN SPIRIT… in other words, the ones in spiritual poverty… now, spiritual poverty does not equate to material poverty… there are so many people with so much money but are poor in spirit… they have no peace, no joy, no health… all they have is money…

And did you know that all of us are not only poor in spirit but in fact, dead in spirit?

Jesus came to give us life.
Yet, because Jesus respects the human freewill, He will never force His grace upon anyone.
He waits for people to realize their spiritual poverty and willingly receive from Him.

The gospel is this — Jesus made the kingdom of heaven available to all by using spiritual poverty as the qualification to receive from Him…He puts all of us on equal ground to receive…because we are all not just spiritually poor but spiritually dead…

Whatta God we have!
Isn’t our Saviour wonderful?
He meets us where we are at.
Jesus is the gospel!

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 5:3

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