Good News #165: The Lord, My Protector, Not Only Aims to Weaken But Completely Destroy the Enemy!

Every aspect in life presents options. This is true even in warfare — one can choose to destroy weapons to leave an enemy defenseless… or one can choose to wound or injure without having to kill the enemy… or one can choose to utterly annihilate the enemy with no hope of surviving.

The surest way to leave an enemy with no hope of surviving is to aim at the head… the face…

Now, let’s remember that Ephesians 6:12 says:
…we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

This means that wherever the bible talks about enemies, whether in the old testament or new testament, we are to read it TODAY (in the new covenant) in the context of enemies being spiritual enemies… not actual people… yet, let’s also not be ignorant of the truth that these spiritual enemies do influence a person’s actions.

Psalm 21:12 thus tells us that our Protector, the Lord Jesus, points His arrows towards the faces (the head) of our enemies, the spiritual hosts of wickedness… the entities that influence people to do wicked acts… the entities behind evil happenings in life…

This is not an aim to weaken or render the enemy defenseless. This is an aim to utterly destroy the enemy.

Psalm 21 is written by David, who knows exactly how the Lord aims and protects.

As a young shepherd boy, David only had a sling and a stone against a seasoned giant warrior named Goliath, who the bible says had a bronze helmet.

When David wrote Psalm 21, I believe he remembered killing Goliath… David knew exactly Who used his stone to kill the giant… David knew exactly Who drove the stone into Goliath’s face and sunk it into his forehead… killing the giant — The Lord did it.

The gospel is this — The Lord Jesus does not take lightly His promise to protect us, His sheep. He will aim at the enemy, not just to weaken, but to utterly destroy.

What enemies are you battling with today?
Commit them to Jesus’ hands and be assured He will utterly destroy them…
Because He is for you and never against you.

Therefore You will make them turn their back;
You will make ready Your arrows on Your string toward their faces.
Be exalted, O Lord, in Your own strength!
We will sing and praise Your power.

Psalm 21:12-13

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