Good News #164: Despite the Reality That Hell’s Weapons Will Form Against Me, the Greater Reality is That Jesus in Me Will Cause All Those Weapons to Fail!

Believing in and receiving Jesus is, in essence, being freed from the slavery of hell… and ultimately, becoming a child of God Himself…

Now, God and Satan are and will always be at enmity against each other.
This means that once you become born again in the Spirit — a child of God, the devil treats you as an enemy.

And because Satan is only a created being, he is never really an equal to God… he is lower and will always be lower than God… this means he knows he can never attack God and can never succeed against God… so what does he do? he attacks whom God loves… because that’s how evil he is… he tries to hurt God by hurting His children…

But here’s the absolute fact of the matter — the devil really has no power… Jesus defeated, disarmed, disempowered him at the cross a long time ago… the only weapons he has are lies and deceptions.

This is why it is important to know The Truth of God of Whom we belong to because if we don’t, we will fall prey to the enemy’s lies and deceptions…

Once God’s truth is rooted in us, every single weapon of lie and deception all of hell can come up with will only fall flat to the ground. Now, God’s truth is not a what but a Who — Our Lord Jesus.

This means that the more we get to know our Lord Jesus, His excellencies, His nature and character, His power and authority, His grace, love, majesty, strength… His finished work at the cross, etc… the less and less susceptible we become to all of hell’s weapons.

The gospel is this — in the presence of Jesus, The Living breathing Word of God — The Truth, none of hell’s weapons even combined will prosper… all hell’s weapons will never prosper.

Isn’t that cause to get to know more of Jesus and all about Jesus?
Jesus is the gospel!

No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.

Isaiah 54:17

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