Good News #161: As Part of Jesus’ Flock, I Am Protected by His Hedge of Protection from All My Enemies!

Believers’ experiences do not always mirror what Scripture says.

Things happen to us, around us and among us that don’t mirror what a born again life should be… but it does not mean that what the Word of God says about it is not true.

Experiences do not disprove Scripture.
The Word of God is true because He who spoke it is True. His truth is not dependent on our experiences.

Our experiences, however, can be affected by many things such as our beliefs… if we believe contrary to the Word of God, we behave contrary to His Word… and end up hindering ourselves from what He has already provided.

Take healing, for example… Isaiah 53:5 clearly says By His stripes, we are healed… This is in the past tense, which means it’s a done deal… but some christians embrace a belief that God sends sicknesses to teach people a lesson. It’s appalling — This is contrary to the Word of God and if a christian continues in this belief, sickness will remain because he will never learn to receive the healing Jesus already paid for.

Look, the moment one receives Jesus as Lord and Saviour, that one immediately becomes His sheep and Jesus, The Good Shepherd will provide everything necessary in abundance…

But one thing He will never do is force upon us His grace and provisions…

Psalm 23:2 puts it this way:
He makes me to lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside the still waters.

He makes the sheep lie down in green pastures — He does not grab the sheep, pry open its mouth and shove grass into its mouth.
He leads the sheep beside the still waters — He does not take the sheep and pour water on its face.

The Good Shepherd sets the sheep in the midst of provision… it is up to the sheep to eat and drink.

Likewise, Jesus, The Door of the sheep opens and closes for the sheep. We can be sure He is never going to open to foxes and wolves and put us in danger.

The gospel is this — The Lord Jesus only serves His sheep… to provide, keep, protect and preserve His sheep…
It is up to us to allow Him to serve us and receive… He is never going to violate our free will.

Through Him, we can walk into provision and safety.
Whatta Door we have in Jesus!

Then Jesus said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.

John 10:7

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