Good News #152: Jesus Never Came to Condemn Sinners But to Save Them From Death to Life!

Except for Jesus, noone in this entire world and in the entire history of this world is not a sinner. All of us are sinners by natural birth, born in the sin of Adam… Sin is in our blood.

Except for Jesus, none can claim to be without sin…

So the adulteress in this account is really a picture of us all.

Now, the woman was brought in the presence of Jesus by the scribes and the pharisees… by the learned in the Law… the Ten commandments… and the rest of the commandments in the books of Moses…

Jesus, The Divine Lawgiver…
The One whose finger wrote the Ten Commandments on the tablets…
The One whose voice taught Moses everything about the law, the commandments, the statutes and ordinances…
He upheld the law to its most pristine standards and instructed for the execution of the law to be carried out only by the sinless among them…

Now, no one in that crowd was sinless… except our Lord Jesus…
He was the Only One who has every right to carry out the law… the stoning…


Jesus, The One who is the only One perfect and sinless in that crowd… was not willing to cast a stone at the sinner…

Instead, after the scribes and pharisees went out one by one convicted by their conscience… this beautiful revelation of our God whose heart overflows with grace and mercy happened…

John 8:10-11 records…
When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?”
She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.”

It was not that Jesus was compromising on sin… No… Sin is to be dealt with but He wasn’t going to cast a stone at the woman and condemn her…. because He Himself will bear all her sins and all the sins of humanity…and He was going to be, not just stoned but, scourged until He is stripped of His flesh, nailed to the cross and die a gruesome death only us, sinners, deserve…

The gospel is this — God is not out to condemn you. He is out pursuing you with the gift of no condemnation… reconciliation with Him… absolute forgiveness… grace, mercy and love in Christ Jesus.

How not to fall in love with a God as such?

So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”

John 8:7