Good News #150: In Christ, I Am Redeemed From the Curse of the Law So That the Blessings of Abraham Might Come!

We live in a fallen world but it wasn’t this way when God first created it.

God provided humanity with countless different kinds of fruit but forbade eating from ONLY one as a way for man to exercise His gift of free will.

It was a world of excessive abundant goodness…all was good.

Yet man chose to eat of the only one fruit forbidden.

When Adam ate of it, he ultimately placed all creation under a curse… everything fell when Adam fell… death came when Adam sinned… and the curse permeated every aspect of creation.

We see the manifestation of the curse in sicknesses, diseases…some being passed on actively like infectious diseases and some passively like hereditary diseases…and ultimately death. Noone escapes death.

Things weren’t supposed to be this way.

Poverty, diseases and death were never part of God’s plan for man but mankind fell and so this world is what it is now because of it — the result of disobedience.

Now, God who is holy and righteous could have just wiped humanity out and let us all go to hell… He can do that…and in sending us all to hell, He is still just and righteous because sin is sin and death is the penalty for sin… eternal death for sin against an eternal God.

YET God, out of His unfathomable goodness, mercy and grace, chose to redeem humanity…and He did so by sending His Son Jesus to die.

Jesus is 100% God and He came to be 100% Man but in sinless flesh with the ETERNAL BLOOD of God running in His veins…which means ETERNAL LIFE…

The ETERNAL BLOOD and ETERNAL LIFE of Jesus are the only ones that can fully atone for humanity’s sin…and thus redeem us from the curse(s).
Jesus is The Only Way.
Noone comes to the Father except through Jesus.

The gospel is this — Jesus became a curse for us on that cross to redeem us from all the curses pronounced on this earth. In believing in and receiving Jesus, you are redeemed from the curses to fully set you free to receive all the blessings.

Whatta God we have!

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), 14 that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Galatians 3:13-14