Good News #145: The Enemy May Roar Like a Lion, But I Have the True Lion of Judah – Jesus – On My Side!

In the third chapter of the very first book of the bible — GENESIS — when the enemy first came into the scene, the enemy was introduced as a serpent…

In the third to the last chapter of the very last book of the bible — REVELATION — nothing has changed… the enemy is still referred to as the serpent…a dragon, an old serpent…

See, in heaven’s eyes, the enemy has never been a lion… what he does though is he pretends to be a lion, imitating the True Lion — our Lord Jesus.

Everything that the enemy does is and will always be a bad imitation of what God does… the enemy’s sole purpose is to deceive humanity to believe a false perception of the character of a loving and gracious God…

Today, even though the enemy is a powerless, defeated foe… he continues to do what he does best — deceive… by pretending to be a lion and making people think that God is out to get them… that God is out to punish them… when God is not… God is absolutely NOT…

Sadly, many Christians believe this lie of the serpent… they fail to recognize what the cross had done…

You see, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross had fully satisfied the holy wrath and indignation of The righteous God against all sins and unrighteousnesses… His death is an overpayment for our sins… the issue of sin is no longer an issue with God because Jesus dealt with the issue of sin once and for all…

The gospel is this — whether you believe in Jesus or not does not change The Truth that God is no longer angry with you… what He wants though is that you believe in His Son Jesus and what He has done to reconcile you back to God… Don’t believe the lie that God is still out against you… He has removed the veil of separation… He is simply waiting for you to choose to believe and receive Him…

God is fully represented by His Son Jesus — The True Lion — The Lion of Judah who is for you, always for you and never against you…

Whatta mighty mighty God we have!!!

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

1 Peter 5:8