Good News #144: By Always Putting Jesus First in My Life, I Shall Not Lack Any Good Thing!

No average person would ever define poverty, hunger and being in lack as a good thing…
No decent average earthly father would ever consider poverty, hunger and being in lack a good thing for a son or a daughter…
No decent average earthly father would ever fight to keep a son or daughter to be in poverty, hunger and being in lack to humble a son or daughter…

Yet… there are a number of Christians who believe God wills for His children to be in such circumstances…
can you imagine a father fighting to keep his child to be poor, hungry and in lack? Everyone would shake their heads on such irresponsibility…

Yet…religion and “religious” Christianity accuse God of doing the same… making themselves appear a better person than God… by saying God wills it for His people yet they themselves would never will it for their loved ones…

Jesus Himself said in Matthew 7:11…
“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

The gospel is this — everyone who believes in and receives Jesus not only received salvation but also adoption into the family of God… God is no longer just God but Abba Father… and as Father, He wills that you live in the abundance of everything He has… He is not living in poverty… He won’t allow you to stay in poverty… He is not in hunger… He won’t allow you to stay in hunger… He is not in lack of any good thing… as His child, He will never allow you to stay in lack…

We have a truly good good Father!
To those IN Christ Jesus, God is no longer just God…He is Abba Father!
The one who loves you and wills good things for you in this present life and in the next…
Whatta wonderful wonderful Father our God is!

The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.

Psalm 34:10