Good News #133: I Am Equipped and Empowered to Do Godly Things Because I Believe Jesus is In Me and With Me Always!

Unlike humanity, God is not impressed by the outward… the size… the quantity… He is after the inward… the quality…

Man-made systems glorify outward grandeur of things… where the more we do… the bigger we do it, the more celebrated we are… not so in God’s economy… God is more interested on the quality and value of our actions…

God is more impressed that we do things the way we do them, act the way we act and live the way we live…
BECAUSE we know…
that we are His children (not His servant)…
that we are accepted and beloved (not trying to be accepted and loved)…
that we have been made right with Him by the blood of Jesus (not trying to be made right by our doing)…
that we have been reconciled with God in and through Christ (not trying to be reconciled with God by our doing)…
that we are highly favored because of Christ (not trying to be favored)…
that we are blessed because of Christ (not trying to be blessed)…
that we are secure in our salvation in Christ (not trying secure our salvation as if we can add to the perfect work of Jesus)…
that He is true to His word, steadfast and faithful to us even when we are faithless…

God is more impressed when we value the work and obedience of Jesus more than and apart from our efforts…

But God is also fully aware of the reality of our frailties EVEN after being born again… our bent on glorifying our efforts more than what Jesus did…

So He gave us His Holy Spirit of Whom Jesus said in John 16:13-14:
“…He, the Spirit of Truth,… He will guide you into all truth… He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.”

This means we have the Spirit of God on the inside of us directing us how to act, live and respond to life…
producing in us His fruit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. [Galatians 5:22-23]… all of which makes our actions of heavenly quality… what the Holy Spirit produces is second to none…

Isn’t our God amazing?
Because He weighs our actions, He gives us His very own Holy Spirit to produce in us actions of quality, value and weight that carries heaven’s excellence…
Whatta God we have!!!

Talk no more so very proudly;
Let no arrogance come from your mouth,
For the Lord is the God of knowledge;
And by Him actions are weighed.

1 Samuel 2:3