Good News #131: I Am Strong and Courageous, Never Afraid Nor Dismayed, For the Lord My God is With Me Wherever I Go!

In the gospels, we find many occasions of Jesus telling His disciples not to fear, not to be dismayed, not to be afraid, not to have their hearts troubled…

This same Jesus who kept His disciples from fearing or getting troubled over things… is the same exact One in the ancient scriptures who kept saying the same thing repeatedly to His own…

“DO NOT BE AFRAID, Abraham…” [Genesis 15:1]
“…DO NOT FEAR, for I am with you…” [Genesis 26:24]
“DO NOT FEAR him, for I have delivered him into your hand…” [Numbers 21:34]
“I am the Lord your God; DO NOT FEAR the gods of the Amorites…” [Judges 6:10]
“DO NOT BE AFRAID NOR DISMAYED because of this great multitude…” [2 Chronicles 20:15]
“O My people, who dwell in Zion, DO NOT BE AFRAID…” [Isaiah 10:24]
“DO NOT BE AFRAID of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you.” [Jeremiah 1:8]
“DO NOT BE AFRAID of the king of Babylon…” [Jeremiah 42:11]
“…DO NOT BE AFRAID of them NOR BE AFRAID of their words…” [Ezekiel 2:6]
“…DO NOT BE AFRAID of them, NOR BE DISMAYED at their looks…” [Ezekiel 3:9]
“…My Spirit remains among you; DO NOT FEAR!” [Haggai 2:5]
“…DO NOT FEAR, let your hands be strong.” [Zechariah 8:13]

These are among many others in the old testament…

Look, God does not just say things to emotionally soothe us or to make us think positive…
He means what He says…
When He says not to fear, He is not saying it just for emotional comfort (although it does emotionally comfort)… He is saying it because He is for you… and because He is, nothing can be against you…no devil…no demon…not all of hell can prevail against you when The Lord is for you….

If God said all these to His own in the old covenant which was cut by the blood of animals and a sacrifice had to be offered over and over again… all the more is there nothing to fear in the new covenant cut by the Most Precious Eternal Blood of His own Son — Jesus.

The gospel is this — the covenant you have with God through Jesus’ blood is eternal, perpetual, everlasting…cannot be undone and will not be broken…this means God is forever for you… so what is there to fear? If God is for you, who can be against you?

Whatta Mighty God we have!!!
There is nothing to fear!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9