Good News #128: Because I Am Fully Protected by the Armor of Jesus, Enemies Who Rise Against Me Will Be Defeated!

To the children of God, the word of God never said there is no enemy…
It does not say that the enemy will not form weapons against you…
It also does not say that the enemy will not dare to rise and attack you…

Rather, what it promises is that The Lord God will be with you… that He will never leave you nor forsake you… that your enemies are His enemies… that no weapon formed against you will prosper… that He will keep you and preserve you… that heaven’s armies are charged to protect you… and much more…

So listen, the reality is that we are living in a fallen world… one where evil does exist and there is an enemy out there called the devil and he has minions doing his bidding… but more importantly, the reality is the enemy is a defeated foe… stripped of all power… powerless…

Now the enemy hates you because you are made in the image of God so he comes after you and will try to attack you… but don’t be afraid of him because The Spirit of The Lord who has defeated him lives and dwells in you… and He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. [1 John 4:4]

The gospel is this — The Lord Jesus always prevails. His Spirit in you will always prevail… and He knows that the enemy only comes to attack to be defeated right before your very eyes… that you shall seek them and not find them…

Whatta God we have!
True security is in the Lord Jesus who is with you, for you and never against you…
Truly, if God is for you then who can be against you?

The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

Deuteronomy 28:7