Good News #123: Because of Jesus’ Finished Work, God is Favoring, Multiplying and Making Me Fruitful Now!

There is pride in humanity.
It manifests in different areas for different people.

It doesn’t matter if we are born again…
It doesn’t matter how long we are born again…
There is pride in us.

This pride often drives sincere Christians to wear themselves out in the busyness of ministry, church, charity works and in producing a life meant to show others that they belong to Christ…

Listen, we are not against ministry, church, charity works, etc. those are good and important… HOWEVER, we need to caution ourselves from getting to a point where we think that by doing these, we are confirming to God that we are in a covenant with Him.

Look, the new covenant is one that God The Father cut with God The Son, who became Man but in sinless flesh….
and God ordained for all of us, sinful humanity, to be borne in the body of our Lord Jesus at the cross so that in doing so, we become partakers (beneficiaries) of this wonderful covenant…

Think about it — Jesus had no sins in Himself to die for… He died in cutting the new covenant because He was bearing all of us, our sins, iniquities, transgressions, trespasses… in His own body…

The new covenant is a result of the work and obedience OF Jesus… His and His alone… none of ours… we can never add to what He did…

In the same manner, the confirmation of this covenant in our lives (e.g. eternal redemption from the curses of the law which means blessings and promises in the old covenant, eternal reconciliation with God, gift of righteousness, etc.) is His work… none of ours.

In John 15, Jesus illustrated this by saying He is The True Vine… we, the branches.
As The Vine, He is responsible for bringing the nutrients to the branches and producing the fruit for the branches to bear (carry) that He Himself produced.

The fruits that show up in our lives (being His branches) are not our doing.
Jesus fulfilled the old covenant of the law…
Jesus started the new covenant of grace…
Jesus continues to confirm this new covenant in our lives…

Jesus does it all… we simply believe, act on His word and receive.
Indeed, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Whatta God we have!!!
Jesus is the gospel!

For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you.

Leviticus 26:9

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