Good News #113: God Will Never Forget Me, He is Faithful to Complete His Promises for My Life!

Humanity is very limited.

Our capacity to remember things cannot be relied on. Even in our dealings with loved ones, one mistake they do and we act out, completely forgetting all the million other things they have done right.

Our capacity to keep promises cannot be relied on. We are bound to break promises one way or another.

This is us, humanity. It doesn’t matter how born again we think we are, we are limited. Everything about us is finite.

But NOT God… whom God loves, He never forgets them… whom God makes a covenant with, He never forgets them… God never forsakes them… God remains steadfast and faithful towards them…in fact, even towards their loved ones.

All throughout the bible, we see God dealing graciously with the children of Israel (despite their repetitive transgressions) according to His covenant with Abraham… even long after Abraham had died…

We also read God dealing graciously with the kingdom of Judah (despite their repetitive idolatry and transgressions) according to His promise to David… even long after David had died…

God is faithful to the ones He loves even if they are unfaithful and faithless towards Him.

2 Timothy 2:13 puts it this way…
If we are faithless, He remains faithful.
He cannot deny Himself.

The gospel is this — The moment you believe in Jesus and receive Him, you essentially enter into a covenant with God… and while we may get led astray once in a while, God remains faithful… He will never lack compassion towards you… He will never forget you… He will never abandon you nor leave you nor forsake you… because the gospel is not about how good we are, it is about how extravagantly good and wonderful God is.

If God dealt graciously with Israel because of His covenant with Abraham…
If God dealt graciously with the kingdom of Judah because of His promise to David…
ALL THE MORE will He do so with us who are in a covenant with Him cut by the blood of His own Son Jesus

Thank God for Jesus who came so that a new covenant is made available for us who want to become His own.

Whatta gracious God we have!

Can a woman forget her nursing child,
And not have compassion on the son of her womb?
Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you.
See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.

Isaiah 49:15-16