Good News #112: Through the Finished Work of Jesus, God Has Delivered Me From the Power of Darkness and Into the Kingdom of His Love!

If we study closely the work of creation in the book of Genesis, we see quite clearly that God never created anything bad. Everything that He created, He saw to it that it was good and He declared it to be so.

What God created was paradise where every possible thing mankind would need is available… abundantly available… even His presence was graciously made available to mankind… God’s very own presence…

Yet we all know the story of how Adam chose to listen to the serpent and act on the serpent’s lies resulting in the fall of creation… resulting in the corruption of everything that God created… death came, diseases came, sicknesses came, poverty came, etc.

In the work of creation, God only had to speak and things came to be—paradise came to be.

In the work of redemption, God had to physically become One of us but in sinless flesh… God had to shed blood… God had to die in the Person of His own Son, Jesus.

This work was ultimately completely and perfectly accomplished by God’s own Son, our Lord Jesus at the cross.

In John 19:30, Jesus said, “It is finished!”

The very same God who worked the work of creation is the same God who worked the work of redemption.

If the work of creation included everything that man needs to enjoy life with God as a created being, ALL THE MORE will the work of redemption include everything that man needs to enjoy life with God as God’s own son or daughter.

The work of redemption was far greater than the work of creation.

The gospel is this — The finished work of redemption accomplished by Jesus has completely delivered us from the power of darkness, death, sickness, poverty and everything that the devil inflicts upon fallen creation.

The redemptive work of Jesus is ALL-ENCOMPASSING!
The redemptive work of Jesus is watertight!

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

Colossians 1:13