Good News #93: By Believing and Receiving Jesus as My Lord and Savior, I Have Been Given the Right to Become God’s Child!

Everyone born into this world are born sinners.
We do not become sinners because we sin. Rather, we sin because we are sinners.
This is why no one needs to teach children to lie but they will lie because sin is in the blood of all humanity.

All of us came from Adam whose disobedience caused the fall of man and all of creation.
All of us are children of disobedience when we came into this world.

As sinners (or children of disobedience), we were able to do some good. For example, we gave to the poor, we helped our loved ones, etc. but all these do not cancel our sinnerhood which we inherited from Adam.

No amount of good behavior, fasting, charity works, etc can make us stop being sinners.
Nothing that us, human beings, do can ever undo what Adam made us to be — sinners and children of disobedience.


Praise God for God in His extravagant love who sent Jesus to do for all of us what we can never do on our own.

By the perfect sacrifice of Jesus that resulted to His death, burial and resurrection, He made a way for us to inherit a different identity, that, by His perfect obedience to The Father, everyone who receives Him and believes in Him becomes children of obedience…children of God.

And this right to become a child of God has nothing to do with what we do…we cannot earn it by any good we do.
It is a gift that can only be received by receiving Jesus and believing in His name.

Truly His yoke is easy and His burden is light!
Jesus is the gospel!
Whatta Saviour we have in Jesus!

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.

John 1:12