Good News #91: Ask Anything in the Name of Jesus, For Nothing is Too Hard for Him!

Many people think the gospel only refers to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John but the gospel is much more than just these four books.

The word “gospel”, in the original Greek text, is euaggelion (εύαγγέλιον) which means “good message” or “good news” or “good report”…but the true gospel is not just any good news about anyone or anything.

The bible defines for us the true gospel as the:
…gospel of peace
…gospel of the grace of God
…gospel of the glory of Christ
…gospel of the blessed God
…gospel of the kingdom of God
…gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

In a nutshell, the gospel (good news) points to God and His attributes…demonstrated through Jesus, His attributes, His finished work, His gifts to humanity (e.g. gift of salvation, gift of righteousness, peace, adoption to the family of God, health, prosperity, etc.)…in other words, the goodness of God…NOT the goodness of man.

Once we understand this, it is easier to see the many good messages, good news, good reports…gospel details that pepper the entire bible even in the old testament.

In Jeremiah 32:17, we read the prophet speaking of an attribute of God, that is, there is nothing too hard for Him.

What the prophet spoke of is articulated in Luke 18:27 by no less than the Son of God Himself, Jesus…
He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”

See, the good news about our God is not secluded in the old testament. We read about it in the old testament if only we have eyes to see.

The gospel is this — Nothing can hinder God to do what He wills to bless you with.

Your family’s medical history does not limit Him from giving you a clean bill of health.
Your educational background does not limit Him from promoting you to a position of influence.
Your bank account does not limit Him from building you a house, sending your kids to school, putting warm meals on your table, giving you a car, sending you off on vacations, etc.
Your past does not limit Him from making your present filled with His favor and hand upon your life.

Whatta God we have!
There is nothing too hard for Him!

‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.’

Jeremiah 32:17