Good News #89: The Battle is Not Mine, All My Battles Are the Lord’s!

In Samuel 17, David recognized Whose battle it is that he is simply just taking part of as the vessel to bring defeat upon Goliath and the Philistines — It is the Lord’s.

In 2 Chronicle 20, The Spirit of the Lord spoke through Jahaziel that the battle against the three armies (Ammonites, Moabites and people of Mount Seir) that all of Judah heard was coming against them is not theirs — it is God’s.

When the Lord fought for David, the giant Goliath came tumbling down with just one stone…and David cut off Goliath’s head with Goliath’s own sword.

When God fought for King Jehoshaphat and all of Judah, the three armies (Ammonites, Moabites and the people of Mount Seir) turned against each other and utterly destroyed one another that when the people of Judah came to the battlefield, all they needed to do was take away the spoil (an abundance of valuables and precious jewelry) that took them three days to gather because there was so much.

David, King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah are people under the old covenant of the law which the bible records have been transgressed by them in more ways than one…YET God fought in their behalf and gave them unprecedented victory.

If The Lord God did these for them, all the more will He do for everyone who believe in Jesus and have entered into the new covenant cut by the blood of the Son of God Himself.

When the Lord God takes on the battles of life in your behalf, you can be sure that the victory He gives you will no less be astounding as what David, Jehoshaphat and the others got.

The gospel is this — The Lord God delights in fighting your battles for you. You need only to yield to Him doing so because He will never bypass your free will to choose to do it on your own or to let Him.

Whatta God we have!
If we let Him fight for us, He will never fail to give us victory…unprecedented astounding victory!

…for the battle is the Lord’s

1 Samuel 17:47