Good News #101: The Blood of Jesus Cleanses Me From All My Sins!

Excerpts from the writings of Frances Ridley Havergal:
…I was shown that “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin,” and then it was made plain to me that He Who had thus cleansed me had power to keep me clean; so I just utterly yielded myself to Him, and utterly trusted Him to keep me…

…have we not been limiting the cleansing power of the precious blood when applied by the Holy Spirit, and also the keeping power of God? Have we not been limiting 1 John 1:7, by practically making it refer only to ‘remission of sins that are past,’ instead of taking the grand simplicity of ‘cleanseth us from all sin?’ ‘All’ is all; and as we may trust Him to cleanse us from the stain of past sins, so we may trust Him to cleanse us from all present defilement; yes, all! If not, we take away from this most precious promise, and, by refusing to take it in its fulness lose the fulness of its application and power. Then we limit God’s power to keep;’ we look at our frailty more than His omnipotence. Where is the line to be drawn, beyond which He is not ‘able?’ The very keeping implies total helplessness without it, and the very cleansing most distinctly defilement without it. It was that one word ‘cleanseth’ which opened the door of a very glory of hope and joy to me. I had never seen the force of the tense before, a continual present, always a present tense, not a present which the next moment becomes a past. It goes on cleansing, and I have no words to tell how my heart rejoices in it. Not a coming to be cleansed in the fountain only, but a remaining in the fountain, so that it may and can go on cleansing.
From Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians: Gleaned from Their Biographies, Autobiographies and Writings by J. Gilchrist Lawson.

The blood of Jesus has cleansed us from our sins, continues to cleanse us from sins, will continue to cleanse us from sins…WILL NEVER EVER STOP cleansing us from our sins.

His is Eternal blood! It never stops working!
How precious the blood of Jesus is!

The blood shed from the body of our Lord Jesus at the cross on Calvary has never stopped working and it never will.

Whatta Saviour Jesus is!

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

1 John 1:7