Good News #73: I Put My Trust in God Whose Riches He Provides Freely to His Children!

God does not have an aversion to the idea of His children getting rich.
He Himself is rich beyond measure and He has made Himself The Father to all who believe in His Son Jesus.

If decent earthly fathers want their children to have the best of everything, how much more our heavenly Father?

In Matthew 7:11, Jesus said…
“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

Deuteronomy 8:18 says…
…the Lord your God…it is He who gives you power to create wealth, that He may establish His covenant…

If this is so and riches make it hard to enter His kingdom, then God is behind making it hard for the rich to enter His kingdom?
This sounds absolutely contrary to His nature and character because He Himself sent His Son Jesus to offer a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light.

Now, if riches and wealth in itself makes it hard for one to enter the kingdom of God, then God had made it hard for Abraham, Isaac, Joseph among many others…because He Himself blessed these patriarchs.

And let’s not even talk about Solomon because the bible says that during his reign, gold was overabundant that silver almost meant nothing.

No. It is not riches itself that make it hard for one to enter the kingdom of God.

The words of Jesus in Mark 10 is clear. It is TRUSTING in riches.

Look, one could be extremely rich yet his trust is in the Lord and not in his riches….
And another could be extremely poor yet his trust is in amassing riches…

This is the gospel — God has already decreed for His children to prosper because a Good Father does so.
He is not intimidated at the idea of His children creating wealth.
He Himself gives the power to create it.
His only caution is for His children not to trust in riches but in the Lord and the Lord Jesus alone.

Whatta God we have!
He truly does want the best for His children!