Good News #71: Knowing and Believing the Gospel Truth of Jesus Christ Shall Set Me Free!

Did you know that knowing the truth alone cannot make one free?

The truth must not only be known; it must first be believed in.

Matthew 13:58 says…
Now He [Jesus] DID NOT DO many mighty works there BECAUSE of their unbelief.
* This is in the account of Jesus being rejected at Nazareth.*

His fellow countrymen were not able to experience freedom from sickness, disease, demonic oppressions… they were unable to receive from Him due to their unbelief.

Luke 5:17 says…
Now it happened on a certain day, as He [Jesus] was teaching, that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. And the POWER of the Lord WAS PRESENT TO HEAL them.
This is in the account of Jesus healing a paralytic lowered from the roof.

Despite many coming to hear Jesus teach AND His power to heal being present, only the paralytic walked away free from his paralysis…no one else did because they did not believe Jesus could forgive sins.

This failure to receive from Jesus the freedom that His truth holds because of unbelief is still true for many of us today, even born again christians.

Most of us know that the shedding of His blood is for the remission of sins.
We know it.
We confess it.
We declare it.
YET some of us don’t believe it so we continue trying to obtain forgiveness (when His blood already did) and then we think we might have unconfessed sins (as if confession and its completeness is the reason we are forgiven and not His shed blood)…so we never come boldly to His throne for mercy and grace in time of need…so we are stuck in the prison our helpless cycle.

Most of us know that by His stripes, we have been healed.
We know it.
We confess it.
We declare it.
YET some of us don’t really believe it so we don’t confess and declare it until it manifests…so we are stuck in the prison of sickness and disease.

The gospel is this — The shed blood of Jesus and His sacrifice had fully paid for everything and much more. We just need to find out His truth on our specific concerns and then believe it for it to set us free.

Whatta God we have!
His yoke is easy and His burden are light indeed.

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:31-32