Good News #70: I Am Assured of God’s Protection: He Goes Before Me, Guards My Rear, and Surrounds Me With His Glory!

The Bible is the complete word of God.
A Christian cannot simply set aside the old testament and just study the new testament because that’s robbing oneself of wonderful truths from the old testament.

To put things to perspective:
The old testament is the new testament hidden, veiled and concealed.
The new testament is the old testament uncovered, unveiled and revealed.

Often, one will find the fine prints of new covenant truths in the old testament.

So that, for example, if we want to find out a little more about the “I am the good Shepherd…” saying of Jesus in John 10, we can turn to Psalm 23 and start from there.

If we want to find out a little more about “the living water” that Jesus spoke of in John 4 and John 7 to the Samaritan woman and the multitude, respectively, a good place to start is the book of Leviticus.

Now…in terms of inward stability, security, protection…
In the gospels, we find Jesus constantly instructing His disciples:

Romans 8:31 offers the reason why — “GOD IS FOR US”…

And if we want to know further details of what it means for God being for us, we can look to the illustrations demonstrating such in the old testament…it is chock-full of it. Isaiah 52:12 and Zechariah 2:5 are just a couple.

This is the gospel (good news) — He is before us, behind us, around us and in our midst.

What’s more, He has given every born again believer His Holy Spirit dwelling in us [1 Corinthians 6:19] who is greater than the enemy outside. [1 John 4:4]

Whatta God we have!