Good News #69: God’s Way for My Life Always Leads to Good Success; I Trust Him to Guide My Every Step!

When God freed the children of Israel from the slavery and bondage of Egypt, God did it out of His grace and His faithfulness to the covenant He had with Abraham.

God did not free them because they were law-abiding, obedient and adherent to the Ten Commandments and its fine prints that make up the 613 laws in the Torah (first five books of Moses).

In fact, the Ten Commandments had not been given at this point.
The covenant of the Law had not been instituted at this point.
None of them (not even Moses) knows about the Ten Commandments yet.

This is a period of pure grace, whereby God did for them and blessed them based on His goodness and not based on their goodness.

This is an old testament glimpse of what we, who believe in Jesus, enjoy — that is, being blessed by God based on His goodness and His grace, and not on our own…as a result of the sacrifice of Jesus.

Romans 6:14 states that we (believers of Jesus) are no longer under law but under grace…in other words, under the covenant of grace and not of the law.

In the covenant of the law, man had to do this and that to earn blessings, provision, protection, etc…
In the covenant of grace, Jesus did it all, paid for it all and we (the undeserving) get to enjoy the blessings only Jesus deserves…this includes protection…divine protection.

Today, we enjoy God’s unhindered blessing of divine protection. He who sees all, knows all and hears all… will never bring us to enemy ground. He will route us away from danger, harm and evil to keep us safe.

If we ever find ourselves on enemy ground, it is not on God…it is either of two things: the enemy’s doing or our doing… NEVER on GOD.

Much like how God did not lead the children of Israel by way of the land of the Philistines so they won’t see war and return to Egypt (a place of slavery and bondage), much more will God not lead us (His children) to enemy ground.

This is the gospel — Jesus shed His blood for atonement for our sins and in fulfillment of the law in our behalf so that we can enjoy the unclouded undeserved, unearned, unmerited favor from God which includes divine protection.

Whatta God we have!
Whatta Saviour we have in Jesus!