Good News #66: Because of Jesus and His Finished Work on the Cross, I Will Always Have an Advocate to the Father Unlike Job in the Bible!

Gospel truth comes from our Lord Jesus….not Job.

Religion popularly teaches that The Lord gives and that He takes away so many Christians live misguided.

If you’ve read the Bible, you know that that line is found in the book of Job.

But look! The Bible is the word of God — an accurate documentation of the word of God.
Everything written in the Bible is TRUE but not all are TRUTH.
Let me explain the latter point.

Whenever the Bible records an account, it accurately and dutifully records the events. If someone lied or spoke out of ignorance (as in Job’s case), the bible dutifully records what was said so that we will learn from it.

For example — In Jesus’ testing in the wilderness, the devil quoted a verse from Psalm 91 (WITH A DELIBERATE OMISSION OF A FEW WORDS).

The Bible recorded this.
Does this mean we use the devil’s quote as truth? OBVIOUSLY NOT.

Another example — In the garden of Eden, the serpent told Eve that they will surely not die if they eat from the forbidden tree. This is also a lie that the bible dutifully recorded for us to learn from.

Adam and Eve did not drop dead but when they ate of the tree, their spirit died and all of humanity was cut off from God (The Only Source of life)…death entered and so man whom God never planned to taste death were all headed for death.

In reading the book of Job, we understand from the first part of chapter 1 that it was satan who took from him…

BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND that Job does not have the Bible we have so JOB HAD NO IDEA it was Satan wreaking havoc that took his children and belongings away.

Some would argue that satan had God’s permission because it is also dutifully recorded in the same chapter.

This is where understanding the difference of Job’s reality and our reality today is critical.

Let’s understand these points…
**We live in the new covenant — Job did not…his regular custom was to sacrifice burnt offerings.
***If you have received Jesus, you are BORN AGAIN — Job is not.
**Our covenant is cut by the blood of Jesus — Job lived long before Jesus came.
**You and I have a Mediator in JESUS — Job does not.

In Job 9:32-33, Job said of the Lord:
“For He is not a man, as I am,
That I may answer Him,
And that we should go to court together.
Nor is there a mediator between us,
Who may lay his hand on us both.”

Job’s frustrations of 1) God being NOT a man and 2) of having no mediator between God and him…these that Job longed for…are, in fact, our reality.

John 1:14 says — And The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…

JESUS as HIGH PRIEST UNDERSTANDS what it means to be us but without sin…
Hebrews 4:15 says — For we do not have a High Priest (Jesus) who cannot sympathize with our weakness, but was in all points tested as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 12:24 says — Jesus, The Mediator, of the new covenant…

Job lived long BEFORE Jesus died for all of humanity…
We are living long AFTER Jesus died for all of us…

Today, satan has no legal right, whatsoever, and cannot legally accuse us to God because Jesus paid for all our sins.
We who believe in Jesus are free from the slavery of satan.
If you believe in Jesus and what He did, then satan has no authority over you as he had over Job.

BY THE WAY, did you know whose spot satan had when he went to God to accuse Job?
Adam’s spot.
Adam forfeited it to the devil when Adam chose to believe the devil instead of what God said.

BUT GUESS WHAT… that spot Adam forfeited to the devil?
Our Lord Jesus had taken it back!!!
satan is stripped of Adam’s authority.
satan is a loser…has no power…no authority…no dominion…he only has the power to deceive and lie.
This means while we are no longer under his slavery, he can deceive us to use our authority against ourselves.

This is why THE TRUTH is important because the TRUTH. WILL. SET. YOU. FREE from satan’s power of deception and lies.
THE TRUTH disempowers satan’s lies.

Now back to the point at the onset — Job’s statement is uninformed and only half-true WHEN it comes to the good things in life…The Lord giving is TRUE but The Lord taking is FALSE…

What the Lord takes away are things that hurt like sickness, poverty, strife, etc…not the good ones…

So, let’s read again what Jesus said about the devil… “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” — isn’t this what satan did to Job?

Religion is wrong in that it took Job’s uninformed statement as TRUTH when it is NOT…and it goes on accusing The Lord God of taking from people the good things in life…

The gospel is this — The Lord gives and gives grace for grace…
And because the things in this world are limited, whenever it runs out or at the point of running out, our Lord God gives again…

Gospel truth is that which came out of the mouth of our Lord Jesus….not Job’s.
And what a gospel Jesus has declared to us!