Good News #48: Our Good Father Loves to Give Us Good Things – Just Ask Him to Receive!

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Matthew 7:11

When Jesus came to this world, He came to His own — the Jewish people… a people steeped in the law, the ten commandments and its fine prints… a people who know the torah and the old testament better than anyone else… a people who begin learning and memorizing scripture at the age of five.

Suffice to say, they know God better than anyone else at that time. They know His ten commandments, His statues, His instructions…

And yet, they only know Him as God… NOT Father…
They only know God as God from prophets (servants of God).

Servants can never fully reveal the heartbeat of The Father as much as The Son can.

Jesus came to reveal God as The Father.

On the night Jesus was betrayed.
In John 17, we read Jesus speaking to The Father saying that He came to give eternal life and that eternal life is that we come to know Him (The Father). [John 17:1-3]

One of the things Jesus came to reveal is that God is a good Father… The ONLY good Father… and that if earthly fathers know how to be good to their children, ALL THE MORE does The Father in heaven.

The gospel is this — The moment you receive Jesus, you immediately become a child of God and as a child of God, you can come boldy to Him and ask… because He is not just God to you… He is your Abba Father, the One who loves you, never leaving you nor forsaking you… the One who delights in giving you good things.

Whatta God we have!