Good News #47: My Justification and Righteousness Does Not Come From Obeying the Law But From Believing in the Finished Work of Jesus!

You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.

Galatians 5:4

Don’t misunderstand.

This is not saying that we should sin or not serve in church at all. This is not what this is about.

Pay extra attention!

Don’t get messed up in sin because it hurts you and others around you.
Also, serving in church is strongly encouraged because it allows you to hear more about Christ from others.

But look, when the bible talks about “falling from grace”, it does not say that sinning or not serving in church or not being obedient or not praying enough or not fasting enough, etc…etc…etc… are the reasons for it.

Galatians, just like every other epistle, was written to believers.

And Galatians 5:4 is clear — believers fall from grace WHEN we attempt to be justified by the law, meaning attempt to be justified by our right doing… our good works… our serving in church… our being in ministry…

To put it simply, when we make “what we do” as if it is the reason for God to justify us and see us righteous and deserving of His blessings…and when we make “what others do or not do” as if it is the reason they should feel ashamed and unrighteous and unjustified and undeserving of God’s goodness…then we have fallen from grace.

The gospel was NEVER about…
…man’s obedience.
…man’s goodness.

The gospel IS and WILL ALWAYS BE about…
…the obedience of Jesus.
…the sacrifice of Jesus.
…the ministry of Jesus.
…God’s goodness, love, grace, mercy, justice, holiness made manifest and fully glorified through the finished work of Jesus at the cross.

The gospel is this — what Jesus did and only what Jesus did has justified you and you can never add to His finished work.

Whatta God we have!
Whatta Saviour Jesus is!