Good News #43: By Jesus’ Obedience I Am Made the Righteousness of God in Christ!

For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.

Romans 5:19

The gospel is centered around Jesus and what He did. Oftentimes, well-meaning christians miss the mark… literally falling short of the glory of God in our focus which should be the glory displayed by His Son Jesus Himself.

Often, we get so occupied with our obedience… the Great Commission… ministry… service… doing and doing… and don’t get me wrong, these are all noble and good.

Yet, when we focus on producing obedience instead of focusing on His obedience and letting it produce obedience in us… we miss the mark… we end up getting burnt out and depleted because we end up operating from a place of without.

We, believers all began the born again life with our focus on the obedience of Jesus unto death FOR us… but religion chips away at this focus until we end up focusing on our own obedience.

Herein grows forth comparisons, pointing of fingers, shaming people for lack of doing this and that… and this creates unnecessary hurts, resentment, broken relationships… etc.

Religion stunts our growth…

2 Corinthians 3:18 says…
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

In other words, as we continue to behold the glory of the Lord, we get transformed into it…
as we continue to focus on His obedience, we get transformed into obedient children of God as Jesus is…
as we continue to focus on His love for us, we get transformed into loving disciples to each other…

That is how things are produced in the christian life… focusing on Jesus and His glory so that it effortlessly produces in us things we can never consistently produce in us on our own.

The gospel is simple to understand – It is the obedience of Jesus that made you righteous. Focus on it. Continue focusing on it… and His glory will transform you from the inside out through His Spirit in you.

Whatta gospel Jesus is.