Good News #37: The Gospel is All About Jesus and What He Has Done for Me, In Me and Through Me!

And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

Acts 5:42

As good and pious as it sounds to teach and preach obedience, ministry, service, charity works, etc… It is NOT the gospel.

As good and pious as it sounds to give people dos and donts…it is NOT the gospel.

If the gospel is about DOs and DONTs then there would have been no need for Jesus to come…

Because the old covenant of the law is all about DOs and DONTs… right living… a lifestyle of holiness… yet the law did not produce heart transformation nor freedom from sin nor redemption nor righteousness nor justification nor salvation nor holiness.

NONE of these came from the law that was in place for over a thousand years before Jesus came.

So surely it is NOT the gospel.
The gospel only came through Jesus Christ. In fact, He is the gospel.

And the gospel is that Jesus came to fulfill everything that is in the covenant of the law in our behalf to usher in a new covenant. One that is all about His grace, His love, His obedience and not mankind’s that when known, believed in and confessed will put all of it in effect in the believer’s life including everything that was promised in the law when the all its requirements are fulfilled completely.

The gospel is no other than Jesus The Christ and everything He has done.
Anything outside of this is missing the mark… falling short of the glory of God.

Let’s teach and preach Jesus as The Christ because He is the gospel.
Jesus is the good news.

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