Good News #33: Jesus is Forever-Compassionate and He Loves to Perform Miracles in Your Life!

So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.

Matthew 20:34

Gospel (euaggelion, in Greek) means good news or good message.

Doing something to receive something is not good news. It’s not even news because it is the norm of this performance-based world.

Yet, there are Christians who relate to God this way because they don’t know the real gospel. They think the gospel is doing this, doing that, serving in church, getting busy with ministry in hope that the Lord will see their efforts and bless them. This is NOT the gospel.

All these good works are produced by the gospel in a Christian’s life.

The gospel is obviously much more than can be expounded in a few paragraphs but it can be said of the gospel that it is the undeserved, unearned, unmerited extravagant goodness of God abounding towards unworthy humanity, unconditionally.

The old covenant is about man’s obedience to earn blessings from God.

Jesus came to fulfill all the laws of the old covenant because man cannot. In doing so, He instituted a new covenant based on pure grace whereby, it is the goodness of God abounding in a believer’s life because of the perfect obedience of that One Man Jesus.

As believers learn more and more of the real gospel and receive what Jesus paid for at the cross:
repentance happens,
transformation happens,
obedience flows naturally,
holiness happens,
and lifestyle changes happen.

Jesus did not even ask these two blind men to follow Him. Jesus simply gave them what they called to Him for and asked Him for — their sight…. AND THEY FOLLOWED HIM.

Jesus is the real gospel.
The real gospel produces obedience, service, ministry, good works, holiness without having to force it out of people.

Whatta good news the gospel of Jesus is!