Good News #31: Jesus Came to Save Those Who Believe Him: Do You Believe Him?

And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.

John 12:47

From the first coming of Jesus to today and until His second coming, the world is locked in a period of God’s saving grace (undeserved, unmerited, unearned favor), God’s long-suffering, God’s patience, God’s mercy and God’s love calling on and urging humanity to turn to Jesus for the gift of salvation.

By the time Jesus comes back (His second coming), judgment will executed.

But until Jesus comes back, we are in a period of grace where God does not pass judgment on anyone even those who do not believe in His Son Jesus.

But a time will come when everyone who does not believe in Jesus… who rejects Jesus and His atoning sacrifice on the cross… will pay an eternal penalty of suffering in the lake of hellfire. This is the judgment that Jesus had delivered everyone who believes in Him but until then the gospel (good news) has to be proclaimed and preached to draw people to Him.

And the gospel is this — that today, God does not judge you as Jesus does not judge you. He came to save you and by the time, you simply believe in Him and receive what He did for you at the cross, His gift of salvation will be in full effect, ultimately saving you from the judgment that is to come.

The gospel is Jesus did not come to judge you but to save you.
Jesus came because God so loves you and He sent Jesus to pay the penalty for your salvation that you can never pay on your own.

Jesus is the gospel and what a gospel Jesus is.
We have a wonderful Saviour in Jesus.