Good News #27: Come to Jesus and He Will By No Means Cast You Out!

All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.

John 6:37

The gospel was never, is never and will never be about man’s supposed goodness.

The gospel was, is and forever will be about God’s goodness.
It is about the grace and truth of God that came through Jesus Christ.
It is about God’s love, His saving grace, His mercy, His faithfulness to humanity, His lovingkindness…
It is all about God and God’s heart for humanity manifested through Jesus Christ.

Jesus who came to save and not condemn. [John 3:17]…
Jesus who came to give life and life more abundant. [John 10:10]…
Jesus who healed all who were brought to Him [Matthew 4:24, 8:16, 15:30, Luke 4:40]…
Jesus who healed all who followed Him [Matthew 12:15, 19:2]…
Jesus who healed the blind and lame who came to Him [Matthew 21:14]…
Jesus who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil [Acts 10:38]…
among many other accounts.

None of those who came to Jesus or followed Him or were brought to Him were A+ in their law-keeping or synagogue attendance or scripture memorization…

Yet He never turned anyone away who came to Him… seeking for what only He can give. He did not check for qualifications and background. The only qualification to receive from Jesus is that one comes to Him.

Anyone who doesn’t come won’t receive because Jesus is a gentleman. He will never force His grace and blessings upon anyone…. if He does, everyone would have accepted Him by now, right? but Jesus waits to be received…to be asked from.. to be drawn near to… because that’s what love is… it doesn’t force itself on anyone. It waits to be received.

Whatta God we have!!!
Whatta Saviour we have in Jesus!!!
Jesus is the gospel of the kingdom of God!!!