Good News #20: With Jesus in Your Life, Rest and Peace is Always Assured!

And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.

Mark 6:31

In the NEW COVENANT, obedience, service, ministry, fasting and sacrifice are all RESPONSES to the goodness of our God. Contrary to popular religious belief, these are NOT REQUIREMENTS to move God to do something good. He is good and He does good, no matter what we do.

Yes, these WERE demands in the old covenant of the law BUT NOT in the new covenant of grace and truth… NOT in today’s period AFTER the cross had happened.

Religion makes all these as OBLIGATIONS instead of a PRIVILEGE or a response to God’s goodness and so well-meaning and sincere christians make themselves so busy in these until they burn out, thinking “burn out” is a badge of honor and it glorifies God.

This is religion… NOT the gospel.

The gospel is that God wants you to serve, minister and operate FROM a place of being rested in His finished work… OUT of restfulness and fullness of Him because if we serve from our nothingness, it burns us out, it makes us short and cranky with people and we end up carrying our own image instead of His image.

Jesus is NOT a slavedriver. He does not want you to be serving out of obligation AND when you do respond in service and ministry to His goodness, He doesn’t want you to operate to the point of exhaustion. Jesus says, “Come, rest a while and let me serve you.” because He Himself said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…” [Mark 10:45]

The gospel is that Jesus serves you first and out of the fullness from His service, you get the privilege of serving others…and His service includes physical rest and fullness of stomach because from here Jesus goes on to feed five thousand, not including children and women and they all ate until they were filled with plenty of leftovers. [Matthew 14:20]

Whatta God we have!!!
Whatta Jesus we have!!!