Good News #19: Jesus Came to Save: Are You Willing to Accept Him as Your Savior?

For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village.

Luke 9:56

These are the words Jesus rebuked His disciples (James and John) with, who wanted to call fire down on a village in Samaria, who rejected Him.

Jesus rebuked their eagerness for punitive measures and revealed His heart, in no uncertain terms, that His heart only beats for the best interest of humanity, despite their rejection. His first coming is to save.

The reality of this world is that it is bound with and bound for destruction because it is a fallen world.

Everyone is born bound for hell. That’s truth. That’s reality.


Jesus came to interrupt that path and give us an exit, a permanent detour into heaven, through believing in Him to be the Son of God who came to die in atonement for our sins, was buried and rose again having conquered death, effectively making Himself The Way into the kingdom of God which no man can get into on his own.

The gospel is that Jesus came to save us from eternal destruction (hell) and the temporal destructive works of satan (poverty, sickness, broken marriages, etc).

Any thing that destroys life DOES NOT come from God. It is either satan’s doing or a consequence of one’s action but NEVER from God.

The gospel is that Jesus came that we may have life AND that we may have it more abundantly [John 10:10]. In other words, to give us His life…a life that if we choose to receive and live by is one that has no lack, no sickness, no disease, etc…

Whatta God we have!
Whatta Saviour in Jesus we have!