Good News #18: I Cannot Deserve God’s Grace; It Cannot Be Earned by Anything I Do Except Through Faith!

Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your son lives.” So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way.

John 4:50

The gospel is that when we come to Jesus for healing, freedom from sickness and life, He gives it generously and unconditionally. He does not ask for us to jump through all sorts of hoops just so He will heal us. Nope. He does not.

It is also good to note that the words Jesus spoke in John 4:50 are words spoken to a non-disciple.

This means healing is for all.

When Jesus physically walked the earth, He made healing so available to anyone that anyone who simply comes to Him and asks receives.

If Jesus did this BEFORE He died and rose from the dead (effectively taking care of the issue of sin and death through the cross), then how will He not do so now AFTER His perfect, complete and finished work at the cross?

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever [Hebrews 13:8].

The gospel is that Jesus is NOT critical of your status in life, whether you have prayed enough, fasted enough, served in church enough, sacrificed for Him enough, given to the poor enough, read your bible enough… None of these are merits for anyone to make them qualified to receive. We simply receive because God gives graciously.

The gospel is that the one who comes to Jesus He will by no means cast out [John 6:37].

The gospel is that when people know and are saturated with the goodness of God, it will lead them to repentance [Romans 2:4].

We have a truly wonderful unconditionally loving and generous God!
Jesus is the TRUE gospel!