Good News #9: If Anyone Hunger and Thirst, Jesus Fills and Quenches Your Every Need!

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.

John 7:37

If we read on in this account, we understand Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit, the living water, the actual Spirit of God.

This is the same Spirit who worked miracles through humanity in both old and new testament.

If there ever is a gift far greater than the gift of health, the gift of prosperity, the gift of success, the gift of good relationships, etc… it is the gift of the Person of the Holy Spirit.

In fact, all the aforementioned gifts and much more come from the Holy Spirit Himself.

We worry so much about getting cleaned up before going to Jesus when He Himself just wants us to come… just come and have a drink and in fact, bathe in the cleansing rivers of living waters.

The gospel is Jesus beckons us to take from Him what we need… if we are thirsty, He gives us rivers… if we are hungry, He feeds us with plenty leftovers… if we are sick, He heals and makes us whole… if we are impoverished, He blesses us exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think through the Holy Spirit [Ephesians 3:20]

This is the gospel. It is about God beckoning us to Him through HIS SON JESUS for everything we will ever need. It was NEVER ABOUT us being worthy and deserving for what He gives.

Whatta God we have!
Whatta Jesus we have!
Whatta Holy Spirit we have!