Good News #8: If You Are in Labor and Full of Burden, Jesus Offers Rest and Help!

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

Jesus came to the nation of Israel, a nation steeped in laws and commandments for more than a thousand years before He came. One of their laws requires the strict observance of the Shabbat (day of rest from labor) so what was Jesus talking about in giving “rest”?

Jesus was talking about a rest from trying to labor, earn and strive for the favor and blessings of God.

In essence, Jesus is saying that when we come to Him and make Him who He came to be — the Saviour, the Redeemer, the Perfect Lamb of God, the Ultimate Sacrifice for Atonement of our sins to reconcile us back to God and much more — if we do that, we can rest in His finished work at the cross, His obedience, His service, His sacrifice, His ministry to earn what we can never earn on our own through the outward laws and commandments in the old testament.

We can enjoy the blessings of God resting in assurance that it has been paid for by the highest price there ever is — the blood of the Eternal Son of God, Jesus.

This is the gospel and the beauty of this gospel is that when we truly understand and receive it, it produces in us supernatural obedience to and service for the Lord.

The gospel is about Jesus and Him alone. It is God FOR us, NOT ABOUT us for God.

Whatta God we have!
Whatta Jesus we have!