Good News #6: Healing is a Gift Freely Given and Cannot Be Earned – Only Believe That Jesus Paid for It Already and Receive!

But when Jesus knew it, He withdrew from there. And great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all.

Matthew 12:15

When Jesus walked the earth, none of those who came to Him for healing were born again. Not even His disciples were born again because noone can be born again BEFORE He Himself was raised from the dead. Jesus is the firstborn from the dead [Colossians 1:18].

Yet He healed ALL who came to Him. Now, if Jesus did so BEFORE He died and rose from the dead, would He not do the same now? He is Jesus who remains the same compassionate, gracious, merciful and loving Jesus as He was yesterday and forever.

If Jesus did not withhold healing anyone who came to Him and did not check for whether these people were worthy or not, then He would never do so even now…we only need to come to Him, ask of Him and receive because He would never force His grace on anyone because that would mean violating one’s free will. He waits and when we do come to Him, He gives unconditionally.

This is the gospel. That God made Himself so available to us that what He has (divine health, peace, prosperity, etc) He gives to us freely and believes the best of people that His goodness would lead them to repentance [Romans 2:4]

What a Jesus we have ❤️❤️❤️