Good News #2: If God Did Not Spare His Own Son Jesus For Us, In Him, He Will Also Give Us Freely All Things!

Abundance of provision…
Healthy relationships…
Divine protection…

Even the most lukewarm of christians will agree that every single one of these is no greater than Jesus.
Even all of them combined is no greater than Jesus.

If this is so, then God who gave His Son Jesus for you and me will never hold back in giving you all else…

Because if He gave you THE GREATEST, then why would He not give you the lesser?

Romans 8:32
He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

God is a good God.
Let me correct that.
God is an amazingly, wonderfully, excessively great God… and this is even an understatement.
He is not stingy.
He is a giver.
He is a wonderful and cheerful giver.

The question is… are you a good receiver?
Because when you received Jesus, every other good thing comes with Him.

We have a truly wonderful God.