Good News #14: I Have Faith in God’s Faithfulness to Fulfill His Promises Over My Life!

The gospel is not isolated to the new testament. A close look at the old testament shows us countless examples of the steadfastness and faithfulness of God to His own.

Even when the children of Israel were under the covenant of the law (Mosaic covenant) and they showed their consistency in the cycle of idolatry, disobedience and various transgressions against Him, God showed His consistency of faithfulness to the Abrahamic covenant that they inherited from their forefathers. He remained steadfast and faithful to them, tempering His righteous indignation against their transgressions with His grace and mercy.

This steadfast and faithful God is the same God of the new covenant.

His faithfulness is not contingent upon our faithfulness.
His faithfulness is not dependent upon anything that we do for Him.
His nature and character is not subject to change based on our wavering nature and character.

Religion teaches FAITHFULNESS and OBEDIENCE as if these merit us favor from God… NOT the bible and certainly NOT the gospel.

The faithfulness of God stands apart from our faithfulness.
His nature and character is not marred by ours.

The old covenant of the law dictates for man to do, perform, sacrifice and serve to earn favor from God.
This is NOT the case in the new covenant.

Jesus came to fulfill the old covenant of the law which means His doing, His performance, His sacrifice, His service and everything He did earned us the underserved, unmerited, unearned favor from God.

This is the good news. This is the gospel.

Are we saying then to just live reckless, faithless, hedonistic lives because He remains faithful anyway? Of course not! Because while these do NOT and will NEVER earn us the wrath of God, it gives the devil an inroad into our lives to steal, kill and destroy… we suffer.

The gospel remains that God is faithful and steadfast despite our faithlessness, disobedience, wavering nature and character. The gospel continues to be that the goodness of God will lead us to repentance [Romans 2:4].

Jesus did it all.
Whatta God we have!
Whatta Jesus we have!