Good News #10: As You Have Believed, Let It Be Done for You, In the Name of Jesus!

Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour.

Matthew 8:13

The words Jesus spoke here belong to the account of the centurion’s servant getting healed. The servant was healed the same hour Jesus spoke these words.

The words of Jesus ring true for all other forms of need we come to Him for.

Oftentimes, we bring our performance-based mentality into our relationship with our Lord, thinking that is how we get what we come to Him and ask Him for. We think if we have NOT done this or that, we can’t ask Him for anything or when we do, it won’t happen. We make it about our effort and works, NOT about His grace and goodness.

Did you know that the highest form of obedience in the new covenant is BELIEVING?

Believing that He is as faithful as He is even if we are faithless [2 Timothy 2:13]…

Believing that He will do for us what we don’t even deserve for [Ephesians 3:20]…

Believing that He has already healed us by His stripes [Isaiah 53:5]…

Believing that He has already made us rich [2 Corinthians 8:9]…

Believing that He has already blessed us with everything we will every need [Ephesians 1:3]…

and much more.

The gospel is NOT how much we have done and performed and earned for.

The gospel is about how AMAZINGLY and WONDERFULLY GRACIOUS and GOOD our God is.

To the degree we believe Him to be so, we receive what He come to Him for and much more.

The gospel is GOOD NEWS.