Good News #1: Healing is Available to Anyone Who Chooses to Come to Jesus!

Don’t get me wrong. One still needs to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour for personal salvation.

But even for people on the fence about Jesus and desperate for healing, you can actually come to Him, ask Him to heal you and receive healing.

In Luke 4:40, it says:
When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him: and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them.

Notice it never says that Jesus only healed those who have prayed long… it also does not say only those who fasted were healed… it did not say Jesus only healed those who seemed to be good people… Jesus did not qualify anyone… JESUS HEALED EVERYONE WHO CAME TO HIM… EVERY SINGLE ONE WHO CAME TO HIM…

The only qualification is that they came to Him.

Jesus is not legalistic. He doesn’t check what your denomination is… He doesn’t check what your religion is called.

Jesus heals everyone who comes to Him. period.

Now, if Jesus does this for anyone who comes to Him before He died, was buried and resurrected, what makes you think He won’t do the same to you now that He has ascended to heaven, is glorified and seated in glory?

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Only us human beings change when we get elevated in our status in life.

Jesus, even as He is glorified far above all, He remains that warm, approachable, loving God who chose to step down from glory to save helpless humanity.

whatagod #whatasavior #whatasaviour #jesusrules #jesusheals #jesuslovesyou