Good News #363: When I Give My Little to Jesus, He Blesses and Multiplies Them to Provide Exceedingly and Abundantly!

If you’ve read the gospels, you would have read the accounts of Jesus multiplying bread and fishes for a crowd of four thousand men, not including women and children, and for a crowd of five thousand men, not including women and children… from just seven loaves of bread and a few fish, and five loaves and two fishes, respectively.

But this wasn’t the first time The Lord had done so… if we go back to the old testament, He had been doing the same through His servants… one of which was the prophet, Elisha.

One time, a prophet’s widow came to Elisha for help because her creditors were coming to take away her two sons as payment for her loan.

Elisha asked the widow — “What shall I do for you?” and “what do you have in the house?” to which the widow replied — “…nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”

To the widow, the jar of oil is nothing. I mean, if we think about it, what would a jar of oil be compared to a loan that requires her two sons to be taken away?

But to the God of Elisha, the jar of oil was not nothing… it was something He can multiply IF the widow yields it to Him and trusts Him to do what He can and will do for her to get redeemed from her loan.

Through the prophet Elisha, The Lord instructed the widow to borrow all the empty vessels she could from her neighbors, close the door behind her and then pour the jar of oil into all the empty vessels… and she did.

Note that Elisha was not even in the widow’s house when this all happened, why? because it wasn’t Elisha who multiplied the oil… it was the Lord doing so.

In the end, we know the widow ran out of empty vessels, and only then did the oil stop pouring from her own jar… which tells us that the supply The Lord had was far more than she was capable of handling… The widow was able to pay off her creditors and even have much more for her and her two sons to live off from.

The gospel is this — When we yield what little we have to The Lord and trust Him for supply, He can, and He will multiply it to overflowing beyond our capacity to receive.
Our Lord God is The God of More More More than Enough.

So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”

2 Kings 4:2