Good News #362: With the All-Sufficient Jesus in My Life, He Completes My Weaknesses and Makes Me Strong!

It is quite common and natural for anyone to be drawn in awe by the grandeur of things. It is always the huge, large, and imposing that most people believe on to do great and mighty things… and so it is quite common and natural for most people to look down on the small and mundane, thinking that these will never amount to anything or that nothing great will come out of these.

But the wisdom of God says in Ecclesiastes 9:11 that under the sun…

The race is not to the swift,
Nor the battle to the strong,
Nor bread to the wise,
Nor riches to men of understanding,
Nor favor to men of skill;
But time and chance happen to them all.

But we have a God who is not bound by time and chance. We have a God who is outside time and His words are surety. His word always comes to pass.

And so when God chooses to favor even what the world sees as foolish and weak, the race, the battle, bread, riches, favor, and more come upon them, regardless of what the world thinks.

When God uses what the world sees as foolish and weak, these things will confound the wise and mighty because His wisdom, power, and might will burst forth.

The gospel is this — Our Lord and our God is The All Sufficient One.
He is not intimidated by the insufficiency of us and of things because on His own, He is All-Sufficient.
His All Sufficiency is more than enough to cover any of our insufficiencies.

But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty…

1 Corinthians 1:27