Good News #361: God Has Equipped Me to Serve His Kingdom and His People; Whatever I Have, He Can and Will Use for His Purpose!

Some of us Christians are held back in carrying out what God has designed, built, and called us to do by our belief that we have to be this kind of person or that kind of person to be able to do His will…. or that we have to have this thing or that thing to be able to do so.

But the truth is — God can do whatever He intends to do with whatever you have as long as you allow Him to. It is really His show… we are just in for the ride.

Moses, a great man of God, experienced this firsthand. At the time, when he was being sent out to the pharaoh for the release of the children of Israel from Egypt, Moses hesitated because he wondered how anyone would ever believe that he was being sent by The Lord.

The Lord asked Moses — “What is that in your hand?” to which Moses replied — “A rod.”

And as we read on following this conversation between The Lord and Moses, we find Moses using the same rod doing the signs and wonders that plagued Egypt and finally brought the release of the children of Israel from Egypt. The same rod was used to part the Red Sea.

You see, The Lord does not ask for what we don’t have in our lives to do a powerful ministry through us.

The gospel is this — God can use the mundane things of this Lord to release His power and might for the redemption of His people.
Our Lord God is not hindered by what we don’t have.
He can do wonderful things even with the things we don’t think is worth much.
Our God is mighty and powerful like no other.

So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
He said, “A rod.”

Exodus 4:2