Good News #352: As God’s Child and Joint Heirs with Jesus, I Have Been Given Everything – Healings, Provisions, Victorious Life, Peace, Protection, and Guidance!

Some of us born-again believers keep trying to fit in and be accepted by the world. We try to look like… act like… sound like… stress out like… fear like… live like the world… to fit into a world that has no plans of embracing us… and in effect, we never stand out… we suffer the same things the world does… when God never planned for us to suffer the same things the world does…

In the physical realm, children have what their parents have. The average decent earthly parents would do everything to provide for their children the best they can that their children will never suffer what they suffered.

Now, Jesus Himself said that God The Father is better than any earthly father because He is a Good God and a Good Good Father.

Yet, we often forget this because the normal we are used to is the normal of a broken, fallen world… not the world of heaven of which we have been made citizens of, not the family of God of which we have been made sons and daughters of…

This is why The Father gave Holy Spirit to dwell in each of us to bear witness to us many things, especially us being children of God, which means that what Jesus has is ours to enjoy, not just in the afterlife but in the present as well.

Do you know The Father and Jesus are not in sickness? They are Life itself.
Do you know The Father and Jesus are not in poverty? They suffer no lack in any good thing… everything they have is unmatchable quality.

God is now God your heavenly Father because He drew us into Jesus that when we believe in Jesus and receive Him as Lord and Saviour, we become sons and daughters of The Most High. This means what Jesus has has been put into our account as sons and daughters… but with persecution and rejection from this world.

The gospel is this — What Jesus rightly has and deserves, He gave us rights and privileges to enjoy in this present life. His blessings, as a result of His obedience, have given us an inheritance in this world.
Every born-again child of God need not live under the sentence of death, disease, lack, etc. in this present world because a child of God is not a child of this world.

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

Romans 8:16-17