Good News #345: Because of God’s Great Love for Me, He Sent Jesus to Save and Redeem Me from the Fires of Hell!

Unfortunately, some people, even Christians, think things were fine until Jesus came because they think that Jesus only came to make people believe in Him or go to hell — This is deception from the pit of hell.

Jesus never came to bring people to hell.
God never planned for any human being to go to hell.

Ever since Adam and Eve fell in the garden, every human being was born heading for hell… because of Adam’s disobedience. Yes, this is the reality — Adam disobeyed, and now all humanity (because we all came from Adam) is now headed for hell.

But hell was never for us… it was never God’s plan for humanity to be in hell. God never even planned for man to die. Death only came because of Adam’s disobedience, which made all of us sinners heading for hell the day we were born.

God only prepared hell for the devil and his angels… but ever since Adam fell, the devil had been bringing people to hell… This is why Jesus came to destroy the devil… and to give humanity an escape so that they don’t have to go to hell.

Jesus came so we could escape the destination of hell because God never had hell planned for any human being.
This is why the gospel of Jesus Christ is so important to God’s heart— He wants all of us to join Him throughout eternity just as He has planned for mankind…in heaven.

The gospel is this — God predestined mankind to be with Him in heaven, but this only takes effect when we choose to turn to Jesus and receive Him as our Lord and Saviour.
Jesus is The Way back to God’s original plan for man to always be with Him.
Jesus is the gospel.

Then He will also say to those on the left hand, “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”

Matthew 25:41