Good News #344: As a Jesus Believer, I Have Received Authority to Defeat Spiritual Enemies!

Every single human being born into this world is born a sinner because of Adam’s disobedience.

Adam and Eve were the first victims of the serpent, and the unfortunate reality is that because of this, we are all born victims of the devil… slaves of the serpent…

BUT the good news is that Jesus came to set us free from being slaves and victims of the enemy.

You see… as sinners, no human being is strong enough to set himself free from the grip of the devil…

BUT the devil is no match for Jesus… the devil is a created thing… the devil is nothing compared to The Creator Himself — Jesus.

Jesus said that a strong man’s house is safe until someone stronger attacks and overpowers him…

Well, no one is greater than Jesus…
No one is more powerful than Jesus…
No one is more almighty than Jesus…

Guess what Jesus did — Jesus came to fight for us, helpless humanity… rescue us… redeem us… save us… Jesus defeated the devil and all his army. Jesus disarmed them at the cross… so that everyone who believes in Jesus and receives His gift of salvation and redemption can walk in freedom from the enemy…

Not only that, Jesus gave everyone who believes in Him authority over these unclean spirits still unwilling to accept their defeat and are still harassing human beings.

In Jesus’ name, every believer can trample over these unclean spirits and drive them out.

The gospel is this — Jesus saves, and He empowers believers with the authority of His Name.
Noone remains a victim when Jesus saves them because it is Jesus who gives those who believe in Him authority to be sons and daughters of God and to enforce His authority through His Name.
Whatta Jesus, we have!!!

Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.

Luke 10:20