Good News #340: In Jesus, I Am Safe, Protected, and Undevourable from All My Enemies!

Before Jesus came into this world to make freedom from the devil available, all of humanity was devourable by the enemy. In fact, all of humanity is born under the slavery of the devil, who became ruler of this world because of Adam’s disobedience.

No matter how good anyone thinks, they are… no matter how people try to discipline themselves to be able to withstand the enemy… Without Jesus, no one person can withstand the devil.

This is why Jesus came because on our own, we can never set ourselves free from the enemy’s grip.

Jesus defeated death with His death at the cross. When He rose from the dead, the enemy had been defeated for all eternity… permanently… and the victory that Jesus has over the enemy, Jesus offers to us.

In His victory over death and hell is our freedom from the enemy. He makes it available for everyone who believes in Him and receives His gift of salvation… and when people do so and walk in the victory of Jesus, knowing that the devil has nothing against them because of the shed blood of Jesus and His sacrifice at the cross and His victory over death, they become too big for the devil to take on because the Holy Spirit dwells in that person.

The Holy Spirit is He of whom 1 John 4:4 says is in every believer… and He who is Greater than he (the devil) who is in the world.

The gospel is this — In Christ Jesus, believers become too much for the enemy to take on.
Jesus set us free from the slavery of the enemy…
And His Holy Spirit makes us un-devourable for the enemy.
Jesus is the gospel.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

1 Peter 5:8